Teeth whitening/scaling and polishing do not benefit everybody. It does affect a few people; hence they require another dental treatment option, such as dental veneers to brighten their smile because we need something to hide those stains and discoloration to make your smile perfect.

The easiest technique to fix stained or crooked teeth.

Are you unhappy with your smile? and do you feel like you can’t have a toothy smile? Come down to Dr. Shoaib Durrani’s dental clinic so he can make you comfortable with your smile.

Veneers are durable ceramic shells matching the color of your teeth to permanently camouflage teeth gaps, stains, and chipped teeth. They breathe a new life to an uncomfortable smile.

This cosmetic solution is incredibly versatile and long-lasting. Each ceramic veneer is custom crafted to fit your mouth and match seamlessly with your surrounding teeth for a more natural aesthetic and beautiful look.

This, in turn, results in a bright and shiny smile that boosts your confidence!

Veneers are an art-form! If you want to take a chance and see promising results, Veneers are your perfect solution.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are a super-thin layer of ceramic that is bonded to the front of the teeth to improve their appearance and smile. Dental Veneers offer strength and resilience, which can be compared to that of natural teeth. Veneers are an exceptional solution for some minor aesthetic problems. The purpose of the dental veneers is to give you the smile you want for yourself by restoring teeth that are internally stained, worn, broken, chipped, or maligned or even to fill a gap between two teeth. 

It is a very good choice to deal with fractured teeth or spaces between teeth.

What are the different types of veneers?

There are three types of veneers.

  • Composite Veneers
  • Ceramic Veneers – Feldspathic Porcelain or Emax

Composite Veneers

These are also called Chair-side Veneers or Direct Composite veneers. These are made at the Dental Clinic by your dentist and bonded directly to the teeth. This procedure can be completed in one single appointment and you can have a dazzling smile.

Ceramic Veneers – Feldspathic Porcelain or Emax

Ceramic veneers are custom designed and manufactured in a ceramic laboratory. Ceramic veneers are extremely thin shells, about 0.3mm – 0.6mm in thickness (just like false nails), and are bonded onto the front of the teeth. They are routinely used to change the shape, color, and size of the teeth. Ceramic veneers are the most natural replicas of human tooth enamel. 

The procedure requires four appointments:  In the first appointment, digital photographs and impressions are made to design a bespoke smile for you. The second appointment is when a mockup is shown to the patient for consent and approval, then transferred onto the patients existing teeth without any trimming or preparation of their teeth. This is an extremely important step of the process because the patient can visualize, what their teeth would look like, by the end of the treatment. Any adjustments, as per the patient’s preference, are made. On the third visit, the teeth are prepared and impressions of the upper and lower teeth are taken and sent to the laboratory to fabricate the veneers.  The fourth appointment is an exciting day for the patient as well as the dental clinic because the veneers are permanently bonded to their teeth, which marks the end of the Smile Makeover journey.

Ceramic veneers can be a great option when internal stains cannot be removed by teeth whitening.

What are the benefits of composite veneers?

What are the few cons of composite veneers?

What are the benefits of ceramic veneers?

What are the few cons of ceramic veneers?

What is the process of ceramic veneers?

Veneering is a simple procedure, which begins with removing a very fine superficial layer of enamel, a little less than an mm to allow the ceramic to fit and bond well. The bond between the ceramic veneer and original teeth is important. Hence, a light-activated resin is added directly between the original teeth and the veneers. There is another type of ceramic veneer process which is called “no-prep” or “minimal prep” veneers. As in this process, not much tooth material has to be removed. This kind of veneer is directly bonded on the front surface of the teeth. The application of the non-prep veneers is much faster and slightly less inconvenient than commonly used veneers. 

At Durrani’s Dental Clinic, Dr. Shoaib Durrani will carefully examine whether you require a “no-prep” or “minimal prep” veneers or commonly used veneers. The best option will be recommended to you.

How long do ceramic veneers last?

Veneers should last between 5-15 years if proper home care is taken and a soft night guard may be crucial for some people. The better you take care of them, the longer they will last. 

Are veneers painful?

Veneering is mostly a painless procedure. Chairside veneers require little to no reduction of the enamel, therefore there is no pain before, during, or after the procedure. For Ceramic veneers, depending on the amount of enamel that needs to be prepared, in some cases, some local anesthesia may be given for a completely painless smile make-over journey.

Teeth reduction needs to be done skillfully. Dr. Shoaib Durrani, with his years of experience and polished skills, is the dentist you need for your procedure to result in the least painful and most comfortable experience.  We do not believe in old-school dentistry, which causes a lot of destruction to the tooth, which causes quite a bit of pain and creates sensitivity. We believe in preserving the original tooth as much as possible and in minimal tooth reduction so that the tooth doesn’t have any sensitivity. Hence, patients do not complain about sensitivity with their veneers.

How does caring for veneers differ from my normal routine?

No difference, it is as usual as your normal routine. You can easily brush, floss, and eat all kinds of foods you like. At Durrani’s Dental Clinic, we do not compromise on material and provide the best that will not stain nearly as quickly as your natural teeth would.  We have specialized polishing agents that our experience Dental Consultant, Dr. Shoaib Durrani, will use when you visit our clinic for cleaning and polishing your teeth. This follow-up will ensure that your veneers will remain as shiny and bright as they were on the day you got them. 

Can I whiten my veneers?

One of the greatest advantages of porcelain veneers is that they provide a bright, and stunning smile. Veneers cannot be whitened but can be polished. If your veneers have discolored over time, probabilities are that the tooth behind the veneer has discolored or you are seeing discoloration that has occurred between the veneers and tooth. If you have apprehensions about your smile losing brightness, then please contact us at Durrani’s Dental clinic at +92-21-37227441 and we will be happy to assist.

Who is a good candidate for no-prep or minimal-prep veneers?

Any individual who has well-aligned teeth, but requires a change in the overall length, smile fullness, shade, or shape of their teeth, can be a good candidate. With the advanced level of strength attained by Ultra-thin Veneers (Lumineers), people can opt for the no-prep option. The treatment is difficult to perform. It requires a lot of skills, talent, and expertise to achieve incredible results. At Durrani’s Dental clinic, we have all the leading-edge technology available. Our Cosmetic Dentists are trained and skilled in both traditional ceramic veneers and no-prep veneers. We have the expertise to offer the finest treatment for any special case. 

Are veneers expensive?

The cost of the veneer treatment depends on several factors like the material of the veneer used, the quality of the veneer, the intricacy of the case, and the comprehensive procedure plan. Call us and schedule a consultation with your Dentist for an analysis of your smile.

What are no-prep veneers | what are Lumineers?

As the name no prep suggests, teeth don’t need to be reduced or cut down without having to anesthetize them locally. The ceramic used in no-prep veneers are so thin that it can be bonded with teeth without creating bulk. Lumineers is a brand name of the no-prep ultra-thin veneers just like Vivaneers and Durathin.

What is the difference between no-prep veneers and traditional veneers?

No- prep veneers and traditional veneers have the same stunning results. No prep veneers are meant to beautify the existing teeth. Traditional veneer treatment requires a slight reduction of your teeth to compensate for the malalignment or crookedness or flared appearance of the existing teeth. No-prep veneers are shell thin (0.3-0.6mm) material, but as strong as enamel once bonded on teeth. Since they are so thin, they don’t look or feel bulky.

Many Hollywood actors, well-known musicians, famous beauty influencers, and beauty brand owners like Huda Kattan have done a smile makeover. They have thus opted for this procedure to enhance their smile without having to compromise their existing teeth and have seen a remarkable difference. 

That’s just one more reason behind why so many people choose Durrani’s Dental clinic for no-prep veneers, which fit your investment and lifestyle. We also have treatment plan options available so you can attain the best smile you have always wanted.

Book your appointment with us to help us deliver the custom-made smile you have always wanted.