Put your best smile forward!

Orthodontic treatments ensure that you smile confidently because everybody wants a perfect smile; it is one of the most attractive parts of a person’s appearance, right? But not everyone has those perfectly aligned teeth, which may shatter their confidence; an orthodontist might help you in that case! Getting rid of your dental problems is essential to maintain a healthy life!

What is orthodontic treatment?

Bringing crowded misaligned teeth into a perfectly aligned arch for ease of cleaning and better aesthetic and chewing function is known as Orthodontic Treatment. This may involve arch expansion and growth modification using removable appliances as well as fixed orthodontic appliances (braces) or invisible braces for bringing teeth into good functional and aesthetic alignment. People are very concerned about their aesthetics, young and old alike, hence orthodontic treatments are in high demand.

The most widely used orthodontic treatment is bracing; the commonly used two types are;

  • Traditional Braces
  • Invisible brace/Invisalign/clear path aligners

Who needs orthodontic treatment?

The paradigm of orthodontic treatment is best suited for patients who seek treatment as early as possible. It is best to correct the teeth and the anatomy of the face while the jawbone is still growing. There are a variety of treatments that can lead us to a beautifully functional result that is stable and long-standing.

People who have any of the following dental problems need treatment;

  • Mal-aligned or crooked teeth
  • Proclined (angled forward and outward) or reclined (backward and inward) teeth
  • Disproportionate upper or lower jaw growth resulting in a longer upper jaw (protruded) and a deficient (Retruded) or smaller lower jaw and vice versa
  • Crowding of teeth; When milk teeth do not fall off, and permanent teeth start erupting, due to no or less space, the permanent teeth may erupt ahead or behind the retained milk teeth and may eventually be locked out from coming into perfect arch alignment.

Orthodontic treatments are one of our favorite procedures as the smile and feedback you get from a happy patient after successful treatment is priceless.

Come in and see Dr. Shoaib Durrani at Durrani’s Dental Clinic to provide you with the most satisfactory transformation.

Who isn’t a good candidate for orthodontic treatment?

Patients who have moderate to severe periodontitis (gum disease), mobile teeth, certain bone disease brittle bone disease, osteopetrosis, etc can not be considered for orthodontic treatment. Such cases require resolution of the underlying disease first and the patient is deferred for treatment until then. 

What are the benefits of orthodontic treatment?

The success of orthodontic treatment depends on a well-thought-out evidence-based treatment plan that has been duly discussed and agreed upon by the patient, good patient compliance and oral hygiene maintenance, and regular follow-up visits as advised. 

Getting orthodontic treatment at the right time provides several benefits such as;

  • Improved dental health; due to mal-aligned or crowded teeth it gets difficult to maintain proper oral hygiene.
  • Less number of dental problems such as dental cavities, gum disease, and speech problems.
  • Improved aesthetics.
  • A dazzling smile with perfectly straight teeth.
  • Improved bite and balanced chewing forces, great for the overall health of the jaw joints.
  • Most importantly, the patient feels an incredible boost to their confidence.

Dental treatments at Durrani’s Dental Clinic are designed considering every patient’s individual needs and compliance levels, depending on them being school or university going kids, working adults,s or even regular travelers.

Bad dental health is closely related to bad general health. With problems in your mouth, problems in your lifestyle will also occur; and we don’t want that! Call us at +92-21-37227441 to book an appointment at Durrani Dental Clinic.

We strive to provide you with the best!

What are some problems that the patient should expect during orthodontics treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a special dental journey and can be received with mixed emotions sometimes with its’ own set of pros and cons. Some problems during this treatment may arise occasionally, but with proactive diligence, they can be resolved quickly. They can cause discomfort and other dental problems for the patient such as;

  • Food impaction (food getting stuck) around the brackets, wires, or gums due to improper cleaning; For such a situation, Dentists have made special Orthodontic Hygiene Kits that contain high-quality orthodontic toothbrushes, interdental brushes, floss, etc. Hence if the instructions are adequately followed, patients can save themselves from the hassle of dental problems such as tooth decay & gum diseases.
  • The patient may feel slight discomfort during the initial stages of orthodontic treatment; it may take a few days or weeks before they adjust to the new addition in their mouth.
  • During the treatment, the patient may not feel good while smiling and talking with all those metallic or ceramic brackets in the mouth, but again it is only temporary while their perfect smile will be permanent!
  • Orthodontic treatments are specialist treatments and may be considered expensive.
  • Time-consuming; braces can take up to 1-2 years.

How long does it take for completion of orthodontics treatment?

It may take anywhere from 12 months to 24 months, depending on the patient’s dental condition and facial profile. But there is no gain without some pain. The discomfort is only temporary, and then you get a life-long dazzling smile!

People especially the young ones get bullied or mocked for their maligned teeth; it is best to spread dental awareness and get orthodontic treatment as early as possible, to save oneself from any pain and suffering!