Do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

People say that the wisdom teeth need removal because they are extra. Well, not all of it is true!

If the tooth is healthy with no wisdom tooth pain or tooth decay and it is fully erupted in the mouth and not causing harm to the adjacent teeth, there is no need for tooth extraction (removal).

Do wisdom teeth always hurt when they erupt?

Some people might not even feel a thing when their wisdom tooth comes in, while for others, it might be a painful experience! 

Wisdom tooth pain  occurs because;

  • The jaw may not have enough space for it.
  • It might not be erupting straight hence pushing tightly on the neighboring tooth.
  • The soft tissue covering it (called Operculum over the impacted wisdom tooth) might be infected (painful swelling and soreness).
  • It may merely be the pain of wisdom tooth “eruption pain” through gums.

The age you get wisdom teeth:

They may erupt at any age between 17-28 years. This eruption range depends on the angulation of the wisdom tooth, overlying bone and soft tissue structures as well as the stage of its root formation.

It is best to get it checked with Dr. Shoaib Durrani at Durrani’s Dental Clinic.