A smile can make or break your confidence; a smile with no teeth will be horrifying, therefore replacing your missing teeth with a dental prosthesis is essential. The provision of a dental prosthesis has dramatically evolved because edentulism (no or few teeth) is common in the elderly. At the same time, young people may also be a suitable candidate for dental prosthesis.

What is a dental prosthesis in dentistry?

Intra-oral defects and dental problems such a tooth loss require dental treatment and immediate replacement, which leads to the provision of a dental prosthesis. A dental prosthesis can be a fixed or removable appliance used to correct intraoral problems such as missing teeth, missing parts of the jawbone, or palate (soft and hard palate). A dental prosthesis is a diverse treatment with multiple options depending on the condition of the patient’s general health, affordability, and dental needs.

A few examples of the dental prosthesis are;

  • Dental bridges
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental veneers
  • Dental implants
  • Dentures (complete/partial or fixed/removable)
  • Palatal obturator (used to treat defects of the palate) 

Dentistry is positively advancing and evolving with every passing minute! Comfortable and durable treatment options are being made to end the fear related to dental treatments (dentophobia) and make the patients consistent in getting their dental care regularly. Dr. Shoaib Durrani at Durrani’s Dental Clinic has equipped the clinic with the latest technology and offers his patients a comfortable, fearless dental visit. Because as you know, the first impression is the last; making the patient stress-free and relaxed on the first visit is a win-win! Painless Dentistry in the future!

How do you clean a dental prosthesis?

Cleanliness is the hallmark of a lavish lifestyle. Cleanliness and dental hygiene go hand in hand. Be it natural teeth or an artificial dental prosthesis, proper oral care is mandatory.  You wanted a dental prosthesis, you got one, but now you need to take extra care of your oral environment and the dental prosthesis or the treatment could go towards failure.

Cleaning a dental prosthesis depends on the type of prosthesis, but the necessary steps of cleaning are essentially the same;

  • Proper brushing, around and below the dental prosthesis to remove every food particle.
  • Interdental cleaning using interdental brushes that will go in between the teeth and clean properly.
  • Flossing and rinsing the mouth with mouthwash.
  • If the dental prosthesis is removable, take it out of the mouth, clean it with dental cleansers as instructed by the dentist (dental prosthetic/ prosthodontist) thoroughly clean and brush the mouth, and then insert the dental prosthesis back.
  • Visit the dentist regularly for dental checkups for the evaluation of your dental hygiene and dental prosthesis.
  • Get professional cleaning done by the dental hygienist as recommended by the dentist.

Dental prosthesis requires regular maintenance and care. To get your dental queries answered and your oral environment evaluated call us at +
92-21-37227441 to book an appointment with the best of the best at Durrani’s Dental Clinic.

What is a hybrid dental prosthesis?

When the qualities and properties of two things are combined better, a more efficient product is fabricated and is known as a hybrid; the same is with the dental prosthesis when a patient wants different qualities of the other prosthesis in one place a hybrid dental prosthesis is an option. The provision of a hybrid dental prosthesis depends on the patient.

The support of a dental implant is incorporated into a fixed dental prosthesis, resulting in a better prosthesis for better patient satisfaction.  This kind of dental prosthesis is fixed and cannot be removed by the patient.

Benefits of a hybrid dental prosthesis;

  • Better support
  • Superior aesthetics
  • Improved function
  • Better jaw and lip support
  • Easy maintenance
  • Can be modified easily
  • Versatile
  • Better life span (durable)
  • Cost-effective

Disadvantages of a hybrid dental prosthesis;

There are no specific drawbacks of a hybrid dental prosthesis reported as yet. But one possible disadvantage could be staining and wearing of acrylic teeth that cover the dental implant, but with proper care, by the patient and the dentist, this can be managed.

A dental prosthesis improves the standard of living by giving you your teeth and a beautiful smile back. Get yourself evaluated and see if you need one!