Root canal treatment- Operative dentistry will help you know!

When the tooth decays to the extent that it involves the soft, living tissue (pulp – containing nerves and blood vessels), resulting in a toothache due to dental infection, Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is done. 

Root Canal Treatments are completed painlessly in a single visit at Durrani’s Dental Clinic since it is equipped with the latest and innovative equipment and materials from across the world. It involves removing the infected pulp by disinfecting the canals deep into the tooth, filling it with a restorative material, and placing a permanent indirect restoration for restoring long term functionality (tooth crown, inlays, onlays, overlays, etc.).

Painless root canal treatment:

Single Visit Root Canal Treatments are done painlessly by using safe and effective local anesthesia and techniques to achieve profound anesthesia. This means that the patient doesn’t feel anything during the procedure once the anesthesia is fully effective.

Results after the root canal:

Single Visit Root Canal Treatments are documented to have a high success rate of 92 to 97%. This means that your tooth will remain functional, like your other regular teeth, provided that regular oral maintenance is performed. 

Food intake after the root canal:

Patients are advised to eat a soft non-spicy diet from the opposite side for 24-72 hours. They are advised to not eat chewy foods especially meat till the numbness has worn off.

Get your dental queries answered by Dr. Shoaib Durrani at Durrani’s Dental Clinic.