Gum disease and that feeling of bleeding in your mouth!

Ever wondered, "why do my gums bleed?"

Gum disease occurs due to improper cleaning and maintenance of the oral cavity (mouth) or health issues including diabetes, hypertension, and pregnancy that leads to bleeding, pain, bad breath (halitosis), and tooth loss in severe cases

How gum disease affects your health?

Gum disease is a dire consequence of poor oral health, further affecting the overall health adversely. The main symptoms are discomfort and bleeding gums, which deprive you of eating good food which results in nutritional deficiencies.

Gum disease is a condition that is caused by a build-up of plaque and bacteria around your teeth. These harmful bacterial toxins may then get ingested in your body through food and saliva, leading to;

  • Heart problems
  • Lung infections
  • Complications in pregnancy
  • Brain damage/dementia

How do you know you have unhealthy gums?

A periodontist might help you!

Bleeding while brushing, biting or chewing food, swelling around teeth, bad breath is an indication of unhealthy gums. Do your check-up with a dental hygienist or a Periodontist before it is too late!

Book an appointment at Durrani’s Dental Clinic, which has one of the top dentists, Dr. Shoaib Durrani, and get yourself treated.